Workplace LINC

Learn the Workplace
This site, developed by the Centre for Education and Work, is designed to help foreign-trained professionals prepare for the Canadian workplace through exercises related to communication skills, working in teams, management, learning styles, social interactions, etc. It has a Facilitator’s website with resources for instructors and a Learner’s website that students can navigate on their own.

English for my Job
This site has vocabulary and grammar quizzes for students interested in the hospitality industry, including restaurant, hotel and travel/tourism jobs.

Business English
This site has a collection of vocabulary and grammar exercises for students interested in sales, marketing, accounting, medical English, and information technology.

Alberta Learning Information Services
Although based out of Alberta, this website has a lot of useful information, videos and resources that can be used in the EFW class. There are self-assessment quizzes for students to assess their skills, interests and personality type. There are also video clips on 150 different occupations, as well as easy reading job profiles.

Steps to Employment Workbooks
This website includes a series of workshop manuals for instructors to provide occupation-specific language training to newcomers.

Essential Skills/Canadian Language Benchmarks

Canada Language Benchmarks / Essential Skills in the Workplace
There are also lesson plans and audio files for various CLB levels on this site, as well as occupation specific lesson ideas – click on ‘Sample Lesson Plans.’

On the Job: ESL and Essential Skills for Work
This series of downloadable and printable booklets gives ideas on how to incorporate essential skills practice into classroom activities. Also look for the “Language for Work” series for more activity ideas.

At Work
This is a great site with links to Curriculum and Instructional Materials. Check out the new LINC 1-4 and LINC 5-7 Classroom Activities packages.

TOWES – Online Practice of Essential Skills
Students can test their essential skills with the online test, or use the practice activities to get a better understanding of what the essential skills are all about. There is also information about the essential skills necessary for different occupations and workbooks to practice essential skills for different types of jobs.

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada –Essential Skills
This website has resources for introducing essential skills. There are tip sheets for learning different essential skills, as well as DVDs and a vocabulary building workbook. Click on the ‘Tools, Assessments, and Training Support’ link and then the ‘Support Development’ tab to access these resources.

General Workplace Information and Programs
Skills Connect for Immigrants Program
Guide to Employment Standards Act
Employment Standards Education Seminars
Occupational Health and Safety
Passport to Work: Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre
Job Bank Canada

Newsletters & Magazines
Essential Skills Bulletin (Ontario Literacy Coalition)
Canadian Immigrant Magazine
Muchmor Canada Magazine
Canadian Newcomer Magazine

WorkBC Monthly Labour Market Update
October 2012
September 2012
August 2012
July 2012
June 2012
May 2012
April 2012

Volunteer BC
Volunteer Centres around BC