1b: Well-being

Consumption & Ecology


Online Resources

Canada and the World: Current Events with a Canadian Perspective
This organization has been publishing materials on current events for high school learners for over 75 years. Themes include energy, the environment, science, development, human behaviour, and natural disasters, among others.

Common Craft: Videos on Technology In Plain English
This website has a series of short animated videos in simple English with graphic support, explaining key components of or issues with technology. Topics include blogs, cloud computing, computer software, securing a password, social media, Twitter, Web search strategies, Wikipedia, Wikis, and the WWW, to name only a few.

David Suzuki Foundation
This site offers pages on hot issues, blogs, and suggestions and recommendations for individual action and change.

Ecological Footprint Quiz
This multilingual site has an online quiz that learners can take to measure their consumption patterns. It compares results to those of other respondents, and offers suggestions on how to improve one’s ecological impact on the Earth.  

Made in Canada: Canadian Inventors and Inventions
This site offers a list of Canadian inventions and their inventors, with excellent biographical links on many of the key inventors.

What the World Eats
This page has photos from the book Hungry Planet. It shows families, their food for the week, and the cost of their weekly groceries.

Print Resources

What the World Eats. D’Aluisio, F. Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press (2008).
This book compares and contrasts food consumption, lifestyles, and household composition in 25 households in 21 countries around the world using photographs, graphs and data, and accessible texts. It is excellent for developing units integrating numeracy, graphic and visual literacy skills, and cultural sensitivity.

Suzuki’s Green Guide. Suzuki D. & Boyd D. R. David Vancouver, BC: Greystone Books, (2008).
This book is a guide to assist people in consuming fewer resources. It encourages people to consider going green in their homes,in the way they travel, with the food they eat, and in relation to general patterns of consumption.


Online Resources

Capital Community College: Principles of Composition
This site includes an overview of the writing process, structural considerations, and patterns of composition.

Climate Change and Ecology
A good source for high school teachers and college-level instruction, this site contains 13 half-hour video programs, online text, a professional development guide, and links to other websites.

David Suzuki Foundation: Climate Change
This particular page on the BC-based David Suzuki Foundation site has links to five projects aimed at reducing emissions leading to climate change.

David Suzuki Foundation: Science and Policy
This site links to good background information on Canada’s activity in the areas of climate change under the following categories: a) climate change basics; b) energy; c) impacts; d) Canada and climate change; e) climate solutions; and f) international climate negotiations.

David Suzuki Foundation: Take Action
This site outlines initiatives that offer practical advice to readers on: a) four places to cut carbon; b) traveling sustainably; and c) going carbon neutral.

United Nations Environmental Programme: Vital Climate Graphics: Potential climate change impacts
This site has a drop-down menu to access dozens of graphics depicting various factors and data on climate change.

Vital Signs Online
This website gives overviews on global trends that shape our future, offering updated sources of scientific data on global trends related to energy and transportation, environment and climate, food and agriculture, global economy and resources, and population and society.

Worldwatch Institute
This organization’s site provides research and publications for public policy and decision-makers on global environmental trends.

World Wildlife Fund Canada
This is the official website of World Wildlife Fund Canada (WWF-Canada). Founded in 1967 by Senator Alan MacNaughton, WWF-Canada has become one of the country’s leading conservation organizations, enjoying the active support of more than 150,000 Canadians.