3a: Communities

First Nations’ Communities & Canadian History

First Nations’ Communities

Online Resources

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
This is the official Government of Canada website for AANDC that offers information on many topics including the following: Aboriginal Peoples and communities, arts, culture and heritage, benefits and rights and acts, agreements, and land claims.

British Columbia Treaty Commission
This website has an education component that includes videos and teacher resources.

British Columbia Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation
This website provides information about First Nations and Métis people in BC with links to programs and services on lands and natural resources, negotiations, education, housing, health, arts, economic development, and justice.

British Columbia Assembly of First Nations
The BCAFN represents the 203 First Nations In BC as the regional arm of the National Assembly of First Nations.

Culture and Conflict. Beyond Intractability: A Free Knowledge Base on More Constructive Approaches to Destructive Conflict
The summary slide show included herein would make a good focus for cross-cultural conflict and communication studies. Also, the Case Studies section (via the menu) includes two cases from Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission process.

Origins Canada
Origins Canada is a non-profit organization concerned with aboriginal and adoption issues. The website offers information, resources, photos, and historical timelines regarding the “’60’s Scoop.”

Print Resources

First Nations 101. Gray, Lynda Adaawx Publishing. Vancouver, BC. (2011).
An essential primer on First Nations issues. The author, a member of the Tsimshian Nation from British Columbia, writes with humour and particular insight. Topics range from issues of identity, community, health and wellness, to justice and the arts.  Well indexed and trim, the book is packed with more than 70 subjects including veterans, youth, urbanization, child welfare, appropriate questions to ask a First Nations person, feminism, the medicine wheel, Two-spiritedness (LGBTQ), residential schools, the land bridge theory, and language preservation. There is also a companion website: www.firstnations101.com

Canadian History

Online Resources

Canada History
This website includes information on culture and politics and has maps, timelines, and documents including articles on different eras in Canadian history.

This is a website that contains sources on Canada’s Constitutional History and Aboriginal Treaties and Relations as well as Pioneers and Immigrants. It includes a section with teachers’ resources and lesson plans.

Canadian Encyclopedia
Learners can use this online encyclopedia to research specific events in Canadian and BC history.

CBC Archives
This website includes a number of videos to use as listening texts on Canadian historical issues.

CBC Learning
This website offers teacher resources and episodes of history told through the eyes of people who lived it.

CBC Legends Project (Aboriginal)
This website contains several audio texts which are a compilation of traditional oral stories, legends, and histories of Canada’s Inuit and First Nations.

Collections Canadian
This page is from the Libraries and Archives Canada website and contains links to databases and archives of documents related to Canadian historical events, including “virtual exhibitions” showing photos and documents online.

History Network Central Catalogue: Canada History
This is a portal to multiple research tools and resources for history and geography.

Historical Atlas
The Historical Atlas is part of Canada’s online learning project and gives access to interactive maps, text, and graphics.

Learning English with the CBC (CBC Radio-Canada)
This site has many ESL lessons based on CBC Radio-Canada archival news stories. The lessons include pre-listening activities, short authentic radio stories on various topics (under three minutes) with comprehension questions and post-listening discussion questions. The lessons can be done as part of a class or by learners independently. The lessons are divided into beginner, intermediate, and advanced, but the differences are minor, and the lessons can be used across ELSA 6 and 7 depending on the degree of autonomy or scaffolding provided.

Schools in Canada
This website’s page, “Canadian History Timeline” lists important dates in Canadian history, with a timeline from 2800 BC – 2009.

UBC Okanagan
This website’s page, “Important Moments in Canadian History,” lists important events from prehistory to the present.