4a: Rights and Responsibilities

Heritage Languages & Citizenship

Heritage Languages

Online Resources

Ethnologue. Languages of the World
The Website offers information and links related to endangered languages in various regions of the world. Under “The Americas” link, Canada has 19 endangered Indigenous and Aboriginal languages listed, most of them from British Columbia.

Government of Canada: Royal Commission’s Report on Aboriginal Peoples
This link provides highlights of the report (probably best for ESLA 6 learners), an address by commission members, and the full five-volume report.

Guide to Canadian Aboriginal Education Resources
Queen’s Education Library has developed a guide to Canadian Aboriginal education resources.

National Geographic Daily News: Biocultural Diversity series
This online publication has articles on the connection between biological, cultural and linguistic diversity from a global perspective that ELSA 6 learners can understand with some support. As with most National Geographic publications, there are ample visuals, maps, charts, and graphs included to develop visual literacy skills, as well as simple conversational exchanges between experts and journalists. Many of the articles are authored by scientists and scholars associated with Terralingua, an international NGO located on Saltspring Island, BC.

Native People: Canada and the World: Current Events with a Canadian Perspective
This website offers a series of short articles on topics relevant to Canada. This section includes a timeline of Aboriginal people and discussions of the abuses facing both Inuit and Aboriginal peoples.

This organization works to sustain the biocultural diversity through an innovative program of research, education, policy-relevant work, and on-the-ground action. Specific articles listed below.

Language Diversity Index Tracks Global Loss of Mother Tongues
This article from National Geographic chronicles the decline of languages in the world during the last forty years.

Biocultural Diversity: The True Web of Life
This National Geographic article highlights the relationship between biodiversity and the wellness of the planet.


Online Resources

CBC Radio: Being Canadian, Part 1 & 2
Part 1 is an historic broadcast of the Canadian citizenship ceremony of January 3, 1947. Part 2 is a broadcast of a Korean immigrant’s story. Stories of new immigrant families can also be accessed.

Department of Justice. (2011). Justice Laws Website
This is an online source of the consolidated acts and regulations of Canada. The consolidations are generally updated on a weekly basis.

Parliament of Canada: Our Country/Our Parliament: Classroom Activities
This page offers handouts and activities deemed suitable for ESL learners at the grade 9 high school level, and higher, so it should be suitable for adult ESL learners. Learners progress from activities to draft personal rights charters to a consideration of entrenched charters.

Print Resources

Workwrite: Policies and Procedures. Geraci, K. Toronto, ON: Preparatory Training Programs. (2005).
This book includes a broad range of authentic Canadian policy, procedures, regulations, and guidelines documents with accompanying activities.

Canada Works (2nd ed.) Bond, J. and Nicholson, G. (2002).
This book includes a unit on policies and procedures. It is also available for download at http://atwork.settlement.org).