Module 4: Rights and Responsibilities

Core Task 1

Writing Strategies for Clarity

Review writing strategies to make writing clearer (such as reducing prepositions, replacing “is” verbs with action verbs or avoiding the passive voice).  Practice these transitions when writing paragraphs.

Writing Strategies for Cohesion

Review strategies to make writing more coherent. Use the worksheets for support.

LINC Vol. 1, 214 – 215 Writing Coherently

Phrasal Verbs

Review separable and non-separable phrasal verbs. Use the worksheets in the appendix as an aid. Encourage learners to find and underline examples in a text with content related to the task.

EFW 15 Phrasal Verb and Idiom Mini-Quiz 1

EFW 26 Phrasal Verbs: Meanings and Explanations

EFW 31 Separable and Inseparable Phrasal Verbs


As a class, review note-taking formats (e.g., Cornell Note-taking System). Use the worksheet provided on the appendix. Have learners read a text related to the task and take notes using the note-taking format.

LINC Vol. 1, 41 Note-taking Formats

LINC Vol. 1, 44 Study Strategies: Cornell Notes

Core Task 2

Vocabulary Building

Listen to the discussion or debate and write down new words. Ask learners to use dictionaries, thesauruses, or other reference sources in print formats to check the spelling and to determine the meaning of new words. Share the new words with the class.


Listen to the discussion or debate for phrases and techniques used for turn-taking. Ask learners to review and practice the phrases and techniques.


Have learners listen to the discussion or debate several times. Identify any idiomatic expressions. Ask learners to search for the meaning of any unfamiliar expressions. Share the meanings with the class.

Multiple Opinions

Have learners listen to the debate for competing viewpoints on the topic. Ask learners to determine what is similar and different to differentiate fact from opinion. Categorize facts and opinions.

Project Task 1


Review effective and ineffective turn-taking strategies. Encourage learners to use effective turn-taking strategies during the group brainstorming session.

Project Task 2

Writing Emails

Review email conventions and practice these conventions using the worksheets.

LINC Vol. 1, 208 Email Writing: Introduction

LINC Vol. 1, 209 Email Messages: Being Clear

LINC Vol. 1, 211 Email Messages: Putting it into Practice

Making Requests

Practice words and phrases for making polite requests. Use the worksheets as an aid.  While they are writing their request emails, encourage learners to use learned structures.

LINC Vol. 1, 219 Request Letters

LINC Vol. 1, 366-367 Making Requests


Review sentence types and conjunctions with the class. Learners can use different sentence types, coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions in writing their emails. Peer-edit for proper use of conjunctions.

Evaluating Credibility

Review language structures for asking questions. Learners ask questions in their emails to gather information to determine the reliability or credibility of the speaker.

Project Task 3


Review sentence types and conjunctions with the class. Ask learners to distinguish coordinating conjunctions from subordinating conjunctions.

Mood and Attitude

Review with the class words that commonly identify mood and tone or attitude. Encourage learners to look for these words in their emails, letters, or blog entries to determine and draw conclusions about the author’s mood, tone, or attitude.

Project Task 4

Conveying Politeness

Before introducing the guest speaker, review culturally appropriate strategies to convey politeness and respect (such as using appropriate body language during introductions, using indirect requests in conversation, using questioning strategies to show interest, using appropriate small talk and structures to introduce others into a conversation). Have learners role-play polite introduction strategies.

Tailoring Conversation

Review ways to tailor a conversation for an audience (such as asking follow-up questions, using questioning strategies to show and keep interest, and using techniques to adjust formality according to situations).

Writing Emails

Review email conventions for thank-you emails. Practice these conventions using the worksheets.

EFW 54 Model Email to Employee

EFW 67 Writing a Follow Up Thank You Email