Module 5: Planning

Core Task 1

Prepositional Phrases

Review prepositional phrases (e.g., “in addition to,” “travelling by sea,” “to his credit”, “by myself”). Read the text to find other examples. Have learners prepare a cloze activity for a partner by removing the prepositions in a section of the text.

Cohesive links

Brainstorm examples of cohesive links in instructions (such as linking words and phrases, numbering systems, layout, etc.) Have learners read the instructions to identify examples of these cohesive links. Have learners bring in examples of other texts or identify texts in the school in which the instructions use clear, explicit cohesive links (such as a clearly labeled sequence of steps) and examples in which the sequence of steps are more implicit and difficult to identify.


Learners underline collocations from the text and examine how collocations make speaking and writing more natural. Encourage learners to identify collocations they are already familiar with (e.g. “a bright idea”) and to organize new collocations around a word (e.g., “take action,” “take a chance”), or by topics (e.g., time, weather, family).


Before they carry out the reading task, have learners scan the text for keywords to gain a better understanding. Encourage learners to underline or write the keywords at the top of the page as a reminder of the main focus of the text.

Core Task 2

Trustworthy Sources

Identify everyday and high-stake situations in which it is important to follow instructions and procedures. Learners discuss valid, reliable, and trustworthy sources for instructions or directions (e.g., a government-issued advisory board).

Discourse Indicators and Patterns

Review words and patterns that signal meaning, such as chronological sequence. Encourage learners to use these in preparing their notes to write the instructions.

Listening Techniques

Review different listening techniques appropriate for the task’s purpose (such as asking questions about the audio extract, listening for gist, listening for detail, identifying and recording key stages of the procedure, and time signals). Encourage learners to employ these techniques while listening to the oral discourse to find information suitable for their needs.

LINC Vol. 2, 390 – 391 Automated Information Lines: Environment Canada ²

Phrasal Verbs

Brainstorm phrasal verbs related to the topic and identify others that are used in the oral discourse. Have learners reuse these phrasal verbs in their notes and written instructions.

EFW 79 Phrasal Verbs for DESCRIBING: Meanings and Explanations

Project Task 1

Tenses and Modals

Review tenses through a quiz, focusing in particular on present and future tenses (e.g., future perfect, and future continuous) or review modals used for planning. Encourage learners to practice shifting comfortably between appropriate tenses and modals while discussing their goals.

EFW 133 MODAL VERBS: How are they formed?

Project Task 2

Cohesive Devices

Before listening, have learners identify cohesive elements (such as signal words and time transitions) for instructions or procedures to help with comprehension.  After listening, have learners listen to samples or write short scripts of instructions that are confusing, out of order, or unclear. Ask other learners to improve the examples or scripts using the cohesive devices such as time transitions and signal words.

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Review how to give and receive feedback politely. Use the worksheets to have learners conduct feedback role-plays, with an observer taking notes. Have learners offer read and offer feedback on each other’s plans.

EFW 55 Reading Diagnostic

Intonation Patterns

Identify the intonation patterns used in the instructions. Have learners practice using the intonation patterns with a script or set of instructions.

Project Task 3


Have learners bring in different types of forms from their workplace, community, or educational institutions. As a class, compare and contrast the forms and create a list of common features of the different types of forms. Have learners complete a form and then exchange it with a partner to receive peer feedback on how accurately the form has been completed.

EFW 4 Reading Diagnostic

LINC Vol. 1, 175 Accident Report: Introduction

LINC Vol. 1, 176 Accident Report: Putting it into Practice

Confirmation Checks

Review language for confirmation and clarification checks when speaking as an effective strategy to prevent communication breakdown. Learners will use these phrases and structures when giving instructions to a partner and the group to check their understanding of the instructions.

LINC Vol. 1, 377 Confirming and Clarifying Instructions ²

Project Task 4

Continuous Learning

Have learners name specific ways in which they will put into practice what they have learned from the project from their own research and from their classmates’ instructions. Encourage learners to write this information down in a journal, or on a worksheet.


Model appropriate intonation for giving instructions, focusing on sequencing. Have learners focus on using appropriate intonation for sequencing when giving the instructions to their classmates. If possible, record learners giving the instructions to listen to after the task.